Demonstrating the potential for greener factories in India: Mahindra pilot project
India is an economic powerhouse, but as its economy and population continue to grow, so does the strain on the country’s water resources. This has led to a nationwide push to make factories greener by boosting the reuse of wastewater, with the ultimate aim of zero liquid discharge (ZLD).
Clearford India is playing an active role in these efforts with the installation of Clearford One wastewater management systems. Following successful installations in Gujarat, we were recently awarded a pilot project to install a Clearford One system at a Mahindra Vehicles Manufacturing Ltd. plant in Pune, Maharashtra.
Under this pilot project, scheduled for completion by end of April 2019, the new Clearford One system will treat sanitation wastewater from one of the plant’s buildings to make it safe for reuse in local landscaping. As Mahindra has numerous large factories in the region, the hope is that success in this project will lead to further installations throughout India.
Leading through innovation
In addition to being our first project for Mahindra, this also marks our first use of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) wastewater treatment plant in India. The new system will provide a variety of benefits, including improved environmental performance, lower capital and operating costs, and an extended life cycle.
The SBR technology is being sourced from Premier Tech Aqua, a Canadian company with specialized solutions for water treatment, through its Indian entity Premier Tech Brisanzia Pvt. Ltd. Although Clearford and Premier Tech Aqua have been collaborating closely in Canada, this is the first time working together in India.
Improving water reuse
In an increasingly globalized world, it is fitting that a leading Indian manufacturer can draw on innovative water treatment technology and expertise from Canada to tackle the challenge of making India’s factories greener.
While this pilot project in Pune marks an important beginning, there is no limit to how far we can go in helping India push wastewater reuse toward its goal of ZLD and a future of sustainable water use.