Long Beach

Customers of Long Beach Water System in Wainfleet, Ontario

We are committed to providing customers with safe, reliable water service.
Check this website regularly for the latest updates on the status of improvements to the water system.

Contact us.


Notice: Seasonal Water Decommissioning

Seasonal water decommissioning will begin on Monday, November 4th, 2024.

Read the full notice >>

Boil Water Advisory

Please note that a precautionary Boil Water Advisory remains in effect for the Long Beach water system. Refer to recommendations below for safe handling and use of water during the advisory. If you have any further questions about safe use of water, please contact the Niagara Regional Public Health Department at 905 688 3762 or 1 800 263 7248.

View boil water advisory recommendations >

Seasonal Water Service

Some customers are connected to the seasonal water system, which is typically in service from May 1 to October 31. Contact Clearford for more information.

System Improvements

» Seasonal watermain on Lakeshore Road west of Augustine Road
Residents are asked to avoid damaging or altering the aboveground watermain along the south side of Lakeshore Road. Please report any issues to Clearford. Customers and impacted landowners will be notified of plans for permanent watermain reconstruction.

» Water Treatment Plant upgrade
Capital improvement work is underway beginning Spring 2020 to renew the drinking water plant building, pumping and treatment equipment. The upgrades will improve plant reliability and address water quality challenges caused by intermittent high turbidity from clay sediment in Lake Erie. Customers will be informed of any planned service interruptions in advance of the work.

Notice to Users

The Long Beach drinking water system is regulated under Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 170/03 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. The Operating Authority has designated a qualified Overall Responsible Operator (ORO) to oversee the management of the system by certified operators under O.Reg. 128/04.

Property owners and water users must inform, consult and follow directions provided by the ORO for the safety of all users of the water system. This includes notifying the Operating Authority of any plans to repair, alter or maintain their water service or system on private property (excluding interior plumbing). Clearford may take action against any party found tampering with the water system without authorization, such as reporting the offence to the Provincial Regulator and collecting damages from the tampering party.

Residents are asked to avoid damaging or altering the water system in any way. Thank you for your cooperation. 

More information about regulatory requirements >

Please contact Ontario One Call if you plan to dig in Ontario.

For further information, visit www.ontarioonecall.ca or call Ontario One Call toll free at 844 257 9490.



Contact Us

To request a change to your service, report an issue with the water system, or for general inquiries, please contact us at: 

613-599-6474 ext. 312 

Business hours
Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4 pm

Please be advised that our phone line is monitored during both business hours and after hours.

Information about the drinking water system is available upon request per Ontario Regulation 170/03 by email to longbeach@clearford.com.

Communications to Customers