

Rural Ontario’s Hidden Opportunity: Small Village Servicing Innovation, ROMA Speaks Conference 2017

Case Study: On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant Servicing a 1 Million Sq. Ft Distribution Warehouse


Dumencu, G. C., Wang, Y., Stefan, W. G. “Two Case Studies: Delivery of Decentralized Wastewater Solutions in Ontario and India,” in Proceedings of 2016 CSCE 14th International Environmental Specialty Conference, London, ON, Jun. 1-4, 2016.

Dumencu, G. C. “Decentralized Solutions for Global Wastewater Challenges,” WEAO Influents Magazine, Summer 2016, pp. 64-67.

Richardson, G., Dumencu, G. “Decentralized SDGS Collection System Performance and Monitoring in Eastern Ontario Community,” Onsite Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) Newsletter, Conference Edition 2017, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 23-24.


Almomani, F. “Field study comparing the effect of hydraulic mixing on septic tank performance and sludge accumulation.” Environmental Technology. (2015) 37: 521.

Al Momani, F. “Mathematical model for predicting sludge accumulation in septic tanks based on operational parameters: effect of hydraulic mixing.” Water and Environment Journal. (2015) 29:499.